By Bishop Mesrop Parsamyan

Today, we celebrate the Feast of St. Gregory the Illuminator’s Deliverance from the Pit. Over 1,700 years ago, King Trdat threw St. Gregory into a dark pit near Mount Ararat. It was a prison, a place of suffering, meant to break his spirit. St. Gregory endured unimaginable hardship for thirteen long years, but he never lost his faith. He trusted that God had a plan, even in his darkest moments.

This is a powerful story that resonates with each of us because, at some point in our lives, we’ve all found ourselves in a pit—a place of darkness, despair, or difficulty. Maybe today, you feel like you’re in a pit. It could be a pit of financial struggle, a health crisis, a broken relationship, or a sense of hopelessness. But just as God had a plan for St. Gregory, He has a plan for you.

The story of St. Gregory’s deliverance is a shining example of God’s ability to turn our darkest moments into our greatest victories. After thirteen years, God sent a vision to King Trdat, leading to Gregory’s miraculous rescue. Not only was Gregory freed, but he also went on to transform Armenia, leading the nation to embrace Christianity. What was meant for his harm, God used for his good and the good of an entire nation.

Think about that! Gregory’s pit was the very place that prepared him for his divine destiny. Sometimes, God allows us to go through challenges to prepare us for the great things He has in store. When you’re in the pit, it’s easy to feel forgotten and forsaken but remember; God is always with you. He sees your struggles, hears your prayers, and in His perfect timing, He will lift you up.

Scripture tells us in Psalm 40:2, “He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.” This is God’s promise to you. No matter how deep your pit seems, God’s hand is strong enough to lift you out and set you on a path of hope and purpose.

So, how do we find the strength to endure our pits? We do as St. Gregory did: we hold on to our faith, we pray without ceasing, and we trust in God’s timing. Even when we can’t see a way out, we believe that God is working behind the scenes, orchestrating our deliverance. Your pit is not your final destination. It’s merely a stop on your journey to something greater.

Bishop Mesrop Parsamyan
June 1, 2024