Join us on Sundays

Come and join us on Sundays for Worship. Experience Christ as He has been worshiped for 1700 years in the Armenian Orthodox Church.

St. John Armenian Church of Milwaukee

Church Services

Join us on Sundays
Morning Service       9am
Divine Liturgy          10am

Միացէք մէզի ամէն Կիրակի
Առաւօտեան Ժամ. 9։00-ին
Ս. Պատարագ       10։00-ին

St. John Armenian Church of Greenfield, Wisconsin

Office Hours

Monday              Closed
Tuesday            10am to 3pm
Wednesday      10am to 3pm
Thursday          10am to 3pm
Friday                10am to 3pm

Telephone (414) 282-1670

Dear Parishioners & Friends of St. John,

For the past several years, a voluntary program of stewardship has replaced the old dues paying system for determining voting membership in our parish. Because Stewardship is not focused on specific dollar amounts, it encourages people to give what they can afford in time and talent as well as money.  Now is the time to renew your stewardship and commitment to St. John.

Please take the time to submit a stewardship pledge online.  Stewardship is a decision each individual must make and be committed to our parish with their time, talent and treasure. 

Time in Milwaukee:
Please consider supporting our ministry



Yesterday, I had the joy and privilege of spending time with the bright and dedicated students of Gevorgyan and Vazgenyan Seminaries who are preparing to serve Christ and His Armenian Church. Walking through the halls of this sacred institution, I was reminded of my own seminary days—the long hours of study, the deep theological discussions, and the fervent prayers that shaped my journey.

Meeting these young seminarians, I saw the next generation of leaders, young men who have answered God’s call, and who have stepped into their divine assignment. They could be anywhere, doing anything, but they have chosen to dedicate their lives to something greater than themselves. They are preparing to bring hope, healing, and truth to a world that desperately needs it!

Բուն Բարեկենդան, Poon Paregentan, Great Lent, Armenian Church


Poon Paregentan is the last Sunday preceding the six-week, forty-day period of Great Lent. It falls seven weeks prior to the Resurrection (Easter Sunday) and, along with the Feast of the Resurrection (Easter), is a moveable feast within an interval of thirty-five days between February 1 and March 7.

The theme of Poon Paregentan is recalling man’s life of perfect harmony with God in the Garden of Eden before his fall from Grace. The hymns and odes of the day recall the story of God creating mankind in His image and likeness, placing man sinless in a bountiful garden paradise and allowing him to share in His divinity. The Lenten period of strict fasting, penance and reconciliation ultimately prepares us for Easter—the Feast of the Glorious Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

St. Cyril of Jerusalem


On the second Saturday in Great Lent (Poon Paregentan) the Armenian Church commemorates St. Cyril (315-386) of Jerusalem, a doctor of the church. St. Cyril had a pleasant and conciliatory disposition, but he lived at a time when bishops were embroiled in bitter controversies and were quick to condemn any attempts at compromises, even calling such attempts as treason…

Prodigal Son

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Our journey through Great Lent continues. This Sunday, March 16, is the Sunday of the Prodigal Son. The parable of the prodigal son shows God’s fatherly love and eagerness to forgive those who repent.


Archbishop Shnork Kaloustian was a prolific and active leader of the Armenian Church, who served in different capacities from Jerusalem to America to Istanbul, where he was the 82th Armenian Patriarch of Turkey for the last 29 years of his life.

Arshag Kaloustian was born on September 27, 1913, in the village of Ighdel, in the region of Yozgat. His father was a victim of the genocide and most of his siblings also died in the period 1915–1923. Little Arshag changed various orphanages in the years 1922-1927, from the former American college of Talas (Kayseri) to the American orphanages of Nahr Ibrahim in Lebanon and of Nazaret in Palestine.

Rev. Fr. Guregh Hambardzumyan

Rev. Fr. Guregh Hambardzumyan


For all your spiritual and sacramental needs kindly reach out to our pastor Rev. Fr. Guregh Hambardzumyan, directly.

For a brief introduction to our pastor please click on the photo above.

Ձեր բոլոր հոգեւոր եւ խորհրդակատարութեանց կարիքներուն համար հաճեցէք դիմել եկեղեցւոյս հոգեւոր հովիւ՝ Արժ. Տէր Կիւրեղ Քհնյ. Համբարձումեանին։

Milwaukee WEATHER

Who We Are

Milwaukee Armenian Community and Cultural Center

St. John the Baptist Armenian Orthodox Church

7825 W. Layton Avenue
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53220

(414) 282-1670


Rev. Fr. Guregh Hambardzumyan

Get in Touch

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