Sunday of the Prodigal Son
Sunday, February 25, 2024
Our journey through Great Lent continues. This Sunday, February 25, is the Sunday of the Prodigal Son. The parable of the prodigal son shows God’s fatherly love and eagerness to forgive those who repent (See the Gospel reading here).
Light, begotten and emanating from Light, you came to seek us, the sheep that had gone astray, whom you carried together with the cross on your shoulder, cleanse us from our sins.
Holiest of the holy, purifier of those who exist, you swept your house, purified the world from sins and having found your image in it you renewed it, renew us also from our ancient sins.
With the prodigal son we cry out to you, tender-hearted Father, we have sinned against heaven and before you, the purifier from sins; come out with love to meet us, embrace us with a kiss and purify us from our sins.
Holy Mother of God, fountain of life flowing from Eden, through which the thirsting earth was watered with the Spirit’s wisdom, pray that we may be given a fountain of tears to cleanse us from our sins.
(From the Liturgical Canons of the Armenian Church for the Third Sunday of Lent, Sunday of the Prodigal Son)