Join us on Sundays

Come and join us on Sundays for Worship. Experience Christ as He has been worshiped for 1700 years in the Armenian Orthodox Church.

St. John Armenian Church of Milwaukee

Church Services

Join us on Sundays
Morning Service       9am
Divine Liturgy          10am

Միացէք մէզի ամէն Կիրակի
Առաւօտեան Ժամ. 9։00-ին
Ս. Պատարագ       10։00-ին

St. John Armenian Church of Greenfield, Wisconsin

Office Hours

Monday              Closed
Tuesday            10am to 3pm
Wednesday      10am to 3pm
Thursday          10am to 3pm
Friday                10am to 3pm

Telephone (414) 282-1670

Dear Parishioners & Friends of St. John,

For the past several years, a voluntary program of stewardship has replaced the old dues paying system for determining voting membership in our parish. Because Stewardship is not focused on specific dollar amounts, it encourages people to give what they can afford in time and talent as well as money.  Now is the time to renew your stewardship and commitment to St. John.

Please take the time to submit a stewardship pledge online.  Stewardship is a decision each individual must make and be committed to our parish with their time, talent and treasure. 

Time in Milwaukee:
Please consider supporting our ministry

Press Play on Today


Do you remember the cassette tapes? Back in the day, if you wanted to hear your favorite song again, you had to hit the rewind button. And sometimes, if you weren’t careful, you’d go too far back, and then you’d have to fast-forward and try to find the right spot. It wasn’t instant like today’s streaming, you had to be patient.

But do you know what was even worse? When the tape got tangled. You’d take out the cassette, grab a pencil, and start winding it back, trying to fix it. Some of you remember those days! But here’s the thing: life is not a cassette tape. There’s no rewind button to undo the past, no fast-forward to skip ahead to the good parts. All you have is this moment.



On Saturday March 15, 2025, St. John Armenian Church again welcomed Justin Aprahamian, owner of Sanford Restaurant, as he conducted another wonderful cooking demonstration to a class of 35 guests. The entrée of the day’s session was Manti, an Armenian delicacy that is quite labor intensive but a favorite of all. Many remember their grandmothers preparing this dish decades ago. Justin demonstrated the preparation of the dough, the lamb filling, the broth, the yogurt, and the parsley garnish, and how to put it all together in an artistic presentation.
Feedback from the participants was overwhelmingly positive.

Forty Martyrs of Sebastia


On Saturday before Sunday of the Judge the Armenian Church commemorates the Forty Martyrs of Sebastia. Although the backgrounds and identities of the forty young soldiers are not certain, it is believed they came from Lesser Armenia and served in the Roman army.

Sunday, March 30, 2025

We are now more than half-way through Great Lent. Sunday, March 30, 2025, is the “Sunday of the Judge” (Tadavori Giragi). The Gospel reading for this day is the Unjust Judge parable told by Jesus about a widow and a judge. The judge in the parable is seen as…

Grégoire Aslan


French-Armenian actor and musician Grégoire Aslan was a versatile presence in film and TV sets, as well as on the stage.

He was born Krikor Aslanian to an Armenian family in Constantinople on March 28, 1908. They moved to Paris, and he made his professional debut at the age of eighteen as a vocalist, trumpeter and drummer with the dance band of Ray Ventura et ses Collegiens. He then launched an acting career under the name of Coco Aslan and also performed with guitarist Django Reinhardt.

He appeared in more than 110 films and TV roles between 1935 and 1979. His first film appearance, uncredited, was in Marc Didier’s Le Billet de mille (1935). His first credited appearance happened in Feux de joie (1939). During World War II he toured South America with actor Louis Jouvet and eventually started his own theatre troupe. He became a ubiquitous presence in many British and American films, mostly in the role of foreigner – Russian, Frenchman, Italian, German, Albanian, and Middle Easterner – with equal expertise.

Rev. Fr. Guregh Hambardzumyan

Rev. Fr. Guregh Hambardzumyan


For all your spiritual and sacramental needs kindly reach out to our pastor Rev. Fr. Guregh Hambardzumyan, directly.

For a brief introduction to our pastor please click on the photo above.

Ձեր բոլոր հոգեւոր եւ խորհրդակատարութեանց կարիքներուն համար հաճեցէք դիմել եկեղեցւոյս հոգեւոր հովիւ՝ Արժ. Տէր Կիւրեղ Քհնյ. Համբարձումեանին։

Milwaukee WEATHER

Who We Are

Milwaukee Armenian Community and Cultural Center

St. John the Baptist Armenian Orthodox Church

7825 W. Layton Avenue
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53220

(414) 282-1670


Rev. Fr. Guregh Hambardzumyan

Get in Touch

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